Scout Advancement Scheme

The Scout Advancement Scheme provides a syllabus for scouts to follow to learn the Scouting skills. It is developed and managed by the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago. There are five levels of advancement:

  1. Membership
  2. Scout Standard
  3. Advanced Scout Standard
  4. Chief Scout Award
  5. Chief Scout Service Bar

Each of these levels are described below.


The membership badge is presented at the troop's Investiture ceremony, where scouts take the Scout Promise and become a member of the worldwide movement. To earn this badge, scouts must have been active with the troop for at least a full term and have participated in an overnight camp. Scouts must also be familiar with the principles of the Scout movement.

Scout Standard

The Scout Standard sets the foundation of scout skills. To earn the Scout Standard badge you will have to learn basic scouting skills such as knots, first aid, and flag ettiquette, as well as earn at least 5 proficiency badges, including Camper, Citizenship in the Community, and Emergency Awareness

Advanced Scout Standard

To earn the advanced scout standard badge you will build on the skills learnt in earning the Scout Standard badge. You must also earn at least 4 more proficiency badges, including First Aider, and Citizenship in the Nation.

Chief Scout Award

The Chief Scout Award shows that you are a leader and can teach the skills you have learned through the Scout Standard and Advanced Scout Standard levels. You must complete 4 more proficiency badges to complete this level.

Chief Scout Service Bar

The Chief Scout Service Bar is awarded upon completion of 100 hours of community service after you have earned the Chief Scout Award. This is the highest level of the Advancement Scheme.