A Scout officially joins the Scouting Movement at their troop's Investiture Ceremony. At the ceremony, the scout recites the Scout Promise, and is presented with the Troop scarf (which signifies membership to the troop), membership badge of the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago, and the membership badge of the the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is made up of 171 National Scout Organizations all over the world. The World Scout Conference is the governing body of WOSM, which is responsible for developing the policy and standards of the Scout Movement, as well as electing members of the World Scout Committee, admitting new member countries, and selecting the venues for international events such as Jamborees and Moots. The conference is held every three years in conjunction with the World Scout Youth Forum, which promotes youth involvement in decision making. The Youth Forum is open to members aged 18-26.
The World Scout Conference elects a World Scout Committee, which is the executive body of the organisation. The World Scout Committee is responsible for for the implementation of the resolutions of the World Scout Conference and for acting on its behalf between its meetings. The headquarters of the WOSM is located in Geneva, Switerzerland.
The Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago represents the country in the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
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